
Care certificate standard 09: Mental Health Awareness


Method of study: Online

Qualification: 1 CPD Point

Duration: 1 Hour (or at your own pace)

Categories: ,

The online course for ‘Awareness of Mental Health Conditions’ helps to provide important information and knowledge to healthcare workers. This knowledge can be used to help toward gaining the ‘Care Certificate’. It can be taken as part of the ‘Care Certificate: Full Package’.

This Mental Health eLearning course should be completed by all healthcare and social care staff. This includes unpaid and voluntary staff working in NHS and private hospitals, locum doctors, locum allied health professionals, agency nurses and healthcare assistants.

This online care certificate training course is also relevant for health and social care support workers, including charities, nursing and residential home staff.

  • Understand the needs and experiences of people with mental health conditions
  • Understand the importance of promoting positive health and wellbeing for an individual who may have a mental health condition
  • Understand the adjustments which may be necessary in care delivery relating to an individual who may have a mental health condition
  • Understand the meaning of mental capacity in relation to how care is provided