
Your Healthcare Career


1 Hour Accredited CPD Course

1 CPD Point


An introduction to a career in healthcare, and how the learners role fits within their organisation, whilst building their professional relationships, and understanding different ways of working.

This content aims to encourage learners, particularly those who are new to healthcare, to reflect on their role and various aspects of their role, including codes of conduct, working with colleagues, developing their skills through shadowing and mentoring, and the importance of raising concerns within their organisations or with relevant supervisory bodies.

This session makes use of reflective learning techniques and encourages learners to use the reflective note-making facility to consider the different aspects of their careers.

Describe your role at work, your responsibilities and the limits of your role

Name any codes of conduct related to your role

Describe what is expected of your professional relationship with your colleagues

Explain the importance of professional development

Describe how professional development can be achieved through informal practices such as mentoring

Explain why it is important to raise concerns